Carmignac supports the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to help the populations affected by the crisis in Ukraine

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The conflict in Ukraine is a tragedy for Europe and the world. Not only has it undermined peace in Europe, but it is also becoming a humanitarian crisis for the civilians affected by the conflict in Ukraine missing the most basic means of subsistence. While our thoughts are with the victims of this conflict, we want to take practical action and contribute as humanitarian needs on the ground are increasing day after day.

A Dokuchaevsk, nella regione del Donetsk, l’ICRC ha fornito 3.000 litri di acqua all’ospedale cittadino per consentirgli di continuare ad operare (22/02/2022). ©Anastasia Alyokhina/ICRC

In addition to its support for the French Red Cross, Carmignac has decided to launch a donation campaign mobilizing its employees and its clients based in Switzerland in support of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and its response to the humanitarian needs in Ukraine.

Building on the long-lasting business and trust relationships we have been building with you over time, we would like to take our partnership to a new and much-needed level.

Beyond Carmignac’s initial donation of EUR 100 000 to the French Red Cross, we will match all our employees’ donations and your donations 1:1 up to the double of our initial donation.

A Mariupol, l’ICRC ha distribuito derrate alimentari, acqua e kit igienici a 4.000 sfollati che vivono in ripari di fortuna. ©Yevgen Nosenko/ICRC.

The International Committee of the Red Cross is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance.

Established in 1863, its mandate stems essentially from the Geneva Conventions of 1949. The ICRC is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and employs over 20,000 people in more than 100 countries.

Often first on the ground and the last to leave, the ICRC assists with the basics of life: food, water and shelter. With a team of over 600 staff members over the country, the ICRC has been working for the people affected by the conflict in Ukraine since 2014. Working closely with the Ukrainian Red Cross Society and its Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners, the organisation is increasing its response to the vast and growing humanitarian needs in Ukraine.

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This is a proposition to participate in this fundraising. All the donation process including the processing of personal data to allow the donation is dealt with by the ICRC. No personal data will be shared by the ICRC with Carmignac. Carmignac will only receive a report on the donations total and the geographical overview of the donations.