Increased life expectancy and major social changes have caused investors to reconsider the way they invest, shifting towards strategies that are geared to the long-term and mindful of the impact on the planet.
Discover Carmignac Portfolio Grandchildren, a global equity fund seeking to achieve steady capital growth over the long-term for investors looking to put their capital to good use:
In our approach to global equities, these companies should demonstrate high sustainable profitability today while reinvesting profits internally in the business to grow it for the future
- Mark Denham
Carmignac Portfolio Grandchildren is a high conviction, equity fund (classified Article 9 according to SFDR1) aiming to deliver long-term returns over a recommended investment period of at least five years. It invests in shares of sustainable, high-quality companies across the world while mitigating the effects of changing economic cycles and focuses on:
In recognition to its commitment to sustainable investment, the Fund has been granted the French "Socially Responsible Investment" label in January 2020 and the Belgian "Towards Sustainability" label in February 20202.
1 Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR). For more information, visit: []( ""). 2 For more information about the labels, visit []( "") and [ ]( "")
*Echelle de risque du KID (Document d’Informations Clés). Le risque 1 ne signifie pas un investissement sans risque. Cet indicateur pourra évoluer dans le temps. **Le Règlement SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) 2019/2088 est un règlement européen qui demande aux gestionnaires d’actifs de classer leurs fonds parmi notamment ceux dits : « Article 8 » qui promeuvent les caractéristiques environnementales et sociales, « Article 9 » qui font de l’investissement durable avec des objectifs mesurables, ou « Article 6 » qui n'ont pas nécessairement d'objectif de durabilité. La classification SFDR des Fonds peut évoluer dans le temps. Pour plus d’informations, visitez :