Back to fundamentals with Carmignac Portfolio Grandchildren

Publié le
28 février 2022
Temps de lecture
2 minute(s) de lecture

Increased life expectancy and major social changes have caused investors to reconsider the way they invest, shifting towards strategies that are geared to the long-term and mindful of the impact on the planet.

Discover Carmignac Portfolio Grandchildren, a global equity fund seeking to achieve steady capital growth over the long-term for investors looking to put their capital to good use:

In our approach to global equities, these companies should demonstrate high sustainable profitability today while reinvesting profits internally in the business to grow it for the future

- Mark Denham

The Fund at a glance

Carmignac Portfolio Grandchildren is a high conviction, equity fund (classified Article 9 according to SFDR1) aiming to deliver long-term returns over a recommended investment period of at least five years. It invests in shares of sustainable, high-quality companies across the world while mitigating the effects of changing economic cycles and focuses on:


We identify companies that exhibit the characteristics we believe are needed to successfully grow over time, that is, high quality companies with sustainable profitability, reinvesting their earnings to grow the business for the future.


We always keep an eye on the road by adjusting the sizing of our positions to cyclical and defensive stocks according to the direction of the cycle.


We believe companies with strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) profiles do better over time while making a measurable and positive contribution to society and the environment.

In recognition to its commitment to sustainable investment, the Fund has been granted the French "Socially Responsible Investment" label in January 2020 and the Belgian "Towards Sustainability" label in February 20202.

1 Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR). For more information, visit: []( ""). 2 For more information about the labels, visit []( "") and [ ]( "")

Mark Denham

Mark Denham is a Fund Manager and Head of Equities. Mark joined Carmignac in June 2016, from Aviva Investors where he was a Fund Manager and Head of Pan-European Equities. Prior to joining Aviva Investors in 2003, Mark occupied roles of Director of European Equities at Insight Investment and Fund Manager at National Mutual Life. He graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in Natural Sciences and holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Mathematics.

Obe Ejikeme

Obe Ejikeme is a Fund Manager within the Global Equities team. Obe joined Carmignac in 2014 as Quantitative Equity Analyst . He started his career in 2003 at FactSet Research Systems as a Senior Consultant. Then, he worked for seven years at Bank of America Merrill Lynch where he was Head of European Equity and Quantitative Strategy. Obe holds a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from the University of Hull.

Carmignac Portfolio Grandchildren A EUR Acc

ISIN: LU1966631001
Durée minimum de placement recommandée
5 ans
Indicateur de risque*
Classification SFDR**
Article 9

*Echelle de risque du KID (Document d’Informations Clés). Le risque 1 ne signifie pas un investissement sans risque. Cet indicateur pourra évoluer dans le temps. **Le Règlement SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) 2019/2088 est un règlement européen qui demande aux gestionnaires d’actifs de classer leurs fonds parmi notamment ceux dits : « Article 8 » qui promeuvent les caractéristiques environnementales et sociales, « Article 9 » qui font de l’investissement durable avec des objectifs mesurables, ou « Article 6 » qui n'ont pas nécessairement d'objectif de durabilité. La classification SFDR des Fonds peut évoluer dans le temps. Pour plus d’informations, visitez :

Principaux risques du Fonds

Action: Les variations du prix des actions dont l'amplitude dépend de facteurs économiques externes, du volume de titres échangés et du niveau de capitalisation de la société peuvent impacter la performance du Fonds.Risque de Change : Le risque de change est lié à l’exposition, via les investissements directs ou l'utilisation d'instruments financiers à terme, à une devise autre que celle de valorisation du Fonds.Gestion Discrétionnaire : L’anticipation de l’évolution des marchés financiers faite par la société de gestion a un impact direct sur la performance du Fonds qui dépend des titres selectionnés.
Le Fonds présente un risque de perte en capital.

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