General Terms and Conditions
Purpose of the website
The Pro Space is an informational website designed to present the portfolio management business of CARMIGNAC GESTION S.A. and its Luxembourg subsidiary CARMIGNAC GESTION LUXEMBOURG S.A., along with key information about its funds and services.
Type of information available on the website
This is not a transactional website. Carmignac may change any of the information contained herein without notice. The information published on the site is not a proposal or advice concerning any investment or arbitrage of transferable securities or any other asset management or investment product. Carmignac and its employees shall not be held liable for any use of this information or any resulting consequences, particularly in terms of the decisions that may be made or actions that may be taken on the basis of this information.
Your rights
In any case, you have the right to access your personal data. You can also request that your personal data be rectified or deleted. You are entitled as well to object to the processing of your personal data or to request restriction thereof. In addition, you have the right to ask for receiving your personal data in a structured and standard format. In case of any such request or complaint, please send an email to You can also contact our Data Protection Officer by sending an email to the following address: To exercise your rights in your Personal Data, you must insert a a valid copy of your ID (ID or passport) in the following format: GIF, JPG, PNG, PDF, maximum 2MB. In any case, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection authority.
24, place Vendôme - F - 75001 Paris Tel. : (+33) 01 42 86 53 35 Investment management company approved by the AMF Public limited company with share capital of € 15,000,000 - RCS Paris B 349 501 676 Chairman of the Board of Directors: Mr Edouard Carmignac