We strive to bring the best of active and alternative asset management to investors, helping them to fulfil their long-term goals whilst contributing towards building a more sustainable world.

We are committed to delivering premium products with strong long-term performance, providing high quality customer service for both distributors and investors, and embedding ESG focus into everything we do.

Carmignac in numbers

€33.9billionAssets under management
+€2billionof equity capital
+290employees across 7 offices in Europe
61Fund managers and analysts
25investment strategies
15countries where we market our funds

Source: Carmignac, 31/12/2024

What makes us different

We are one of the largest and most enduring independent asset management boutiques in Europe. Established more than 35 years ago, we are a family and employee-owned company, driven by an entrepreneurial culture.

What we do

At Carmignac, we adopt a conviction-based approach, embodied in a number of focused investment strategies, to achieve our clients' long-term savings objectives.

Our Culture and People

Here at Carmignac, we are proud to be a family business with a unique culture perpetuated by deep-rooted values and attitude.


Find out more on the wide-ranging list of awards, honouring our fund management expertise and achievements in each country we operate.See the awards

Our governance

Our governance model ensures the coherence and sustainability of the company's strategy while providing the best possible framework to serve the interests of our investors.

This governance relies on various group committees which focus on specific key business areas.

Risk management

At the heart of our firm is risk management. We pay the closest attention to identifying, quantifying and analysing the risks attached to our investment process.

Legal information

This is an advertising document. This article may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior authorisation from the management company. It does not constitute a subscription offer, nor does it constitute investment advice. The information contained in this article may be partial information and may be modified without prior notice. In the United Kingdom, this page was prepared by Carmignac Gestion, Carmignac Gestion Luxembourg or Carmignac UK Ltd and is being distributed in the UK by Carmignac Gestion Luxembourg.